at iBeautify
Vaginal Hifu
Vaginal Tightening at IBeautify is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment designed to restore and repair vaginal tissue.
Using the newest state of the art Hifu technology, this treatment can offer multiple solutions to unwanted symptoms.
*tightens vaginal muscle (post childbirth or due to menopause )
*helps those suffering stress incontinence ( loss of bladder control when you cough , sneeze , laugh, or exercise)
* increases sensation / improves sensitivity during sex
* helps eliminate vaginal bacterial infection like thrush
* improves Vaginal dryness.
*can help with prolapse .
HIFU stands for ‘High Intensity Focused Ultrasound.
This treatment can target various depths of the body’s tissue for skin tightening, skin lifting and body contouring.
Entirely non-invasive, HIFU works by targeting deep layers in the skin – it boosts new collagen production and collagen regeneration right at the source.
At iBeautify we understand this may be a sensitive or uncomfortable subject to discuss openly. We want to reassure you that we welcome any enquiry